supplementary condition

英 [ˌsʌplɪˈmentri kənˈdɪʃn] 美 [ˌsʌplɪˈmentri kənˈdɪʃn]

网络  补充条件,附加条件; 补充条件



  1. Any supplementary item or condition not covered in the contract shall be agreed by both parties in the supplementary agreement and equally authentic with the Contract.
  2. This paper is mainly devoted to provide a supplementary analysis of extreme value problem of bivariate functions, in which a new sufficient condition and its concise proof when critical case is given.
  3. Supplementary Condition ( s): The seller must provide first-rate goods according to the worsted fabric industry standards 《 FZ/ T24002-2006 》.
  4. Impact of High-Energy and High-Protein Supplementary Feed "Rubeili" on Body Condition and Fertility Performance
  5. A supplementary condition for the selection of the number of the planetary gears is proposed in order to ensure continuous and correct mesh for gears having only very few teeth.
  6. For feasibility study, extensive experiments have been performed and a lot of data and experiences have been obtained, including: 1. supplementary data on hydro-geological condition;
  7. The paper introduce use of walk stick, kinds of walk supplementary tools, condition of using walk instrument, problems about walk stick recipe and pay attention to item.
  8. Consequently the supplementary basis for the evaluation and damage analysis of the condition of expressway will be provided and the working efficiency will be dramatically improved owing to this.
  9. The necessary and sufficient conditions of determining quantitatively the two characteristic parameters and buckling modes consist of stability equations, boundary conditions, continuity conditions at the front of axial plastic wave, and the supplementary restraint condition.
  10. This article introduced the application of the split range control method in supplementary compressive air system under complicated interlock condition and described the method of improvement and the implementation of interlock.
  11. Analysis is introduced about the supplementary condition from deducing formula and the stress-strain change of beam ′ s section when it is destroyed.
  12. The supplementary restraint equation at the compression wave front is obtained by use of the second critical condition.
  13. Therefore, rainfall and temperature are the requirements for canker disease outbreak, while the wind is the supplementary condition.
  14. The conditions of supplementary tuition in citizen compulsory education will be reached after investigate the condition of students in primary school and junior high school in Wuhan.
  15. Meanwhile, strengthen construction of basic supplementary measure such as the management organizing system of credit, information technology, credit culture, create good condition and atmosphere for implementation of whole credit management.